Rachel Ward
Independent Scholar. Presentation read by Jonathan Bloom.
Independent Scholar. Presentation read by Jonathan Bloom.
Rachel Ward is an independent scholar. She was Curator (Middle East), Department of Oriental Antiquities, British Museum from 1983 to 2000 and Director/Vice President of the Royal Asiatic Society from 2002 to 2008. Her research has been mainly focused on the history, art and archaeology of the Ayyubid and Mamluk period. Her publications include Süleyman the Magnificent, (co-author with J.M. Rogers, 1988); Islamic Metalwork (1993); Gilded and Enamelled Glass from the Middle East (editor, 1998) and many articles. She is currently working on a Catalogue of Arab and Ottoman Metalwork in the British Museum and on the Mamluk glass finds from the excavation of the Citadel at Aleppo.
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