From the category archives:
Introduction & Keynote Address
An introduction to many of the issues that other speakers plan to develop over the course of the Symposium.
Olga Bush
“Designs Always Polychromed or Gilded”: the Aesthetics of Color in the Alhambra
Samir Mahmoud
Color, Symbolism, and the Mystic Quest: the Spiritual Exegesis of Color in Sufism in the Works of Henry Corbin
Cheryl Porter
The Role of Economics, Geography and Tradition in the Artist’s Choice of Colors for Manuscript Painting
Jon Thompson
Some Observations on Color in Carpets
Lawrence Nees
Blue Behind Gold: the Inscription of the Dome of the Rock and its Relatives
Julie Scott Meisami
“I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues”: Depictions of Majnun in Persian Illustrated Manuscripts
Marianna Shreve Simpson
Why My Name is Red: “Ahmar,” “Surkh” and “Kirmizi” in the History of Islamic Art
Roundtable Discussion: Day 1
Participants: Drs. Sheila Blair and Jonathan Bloom, Olga Bush, Samir Mahmoud, Cheryl Porter, Jon Thompson, Laurence Nees, Julie Scott Meisami, Marianna Shreve Simpson, and Noha Sadek.
Noha Sadek
Colors of Power and Piety in Rasulid Yemen
Maribel Fierro
“The Battle of Colors”: Colors and Their Meaning in the Search for Political Legitimacy in the Islamic West
Michael Schreffler
“Threads of Many Colors”: Islam, America, and the Visual Culture of Conquest
Manu Sobti & Mohammad Gharipour
The Hues of Paradise–Examining Color Design Layout in the Persian Garden
Bernard O’Kane
Ceramics In or On the Building? The Relationships of Patrons, Architecture and the Consumer in the Development of Pottery and Tilework
Roundtable Discussion: Day 2
Participants: Drs. Sheila Blair and Jonathan Bloom, Maribel Fierro, Michael Schreffler, Bernard O’Kane, Manu Sobti, Mohammad Gharipour.